Five years later: Together Let Us Go Forth ~ Juntos Sigamos Adelante
Love one another. Every gift to this landmark campaign demonstrates your love – for the Church, for Jesus, and for the faces you will never meet. Thank you for being [...]
Helping the homeless, unemployed, and elderly
Love your neighbor as yourself. Through this campaign you showed mercy. Your gifts helped develop new buildings serving the poor, and continue to provide many services through Foundation for Senior [...]
Parishes are the homes of our Catholic families
On this rock I will build my Church. Parishes across the diocese used funds from this campaign for a variety of parish improvements…from structural improvements to painting, coffee bars to [...]
Catholic school students formed as servant leaders
Teach them all that I have commanded. Schools across our Diocese bring the face of Jesus directly into education. This campaign helped build two new schools, make school improvements, and [...]
St. John Paul II High School moves toward August 2018 opening
Excitement is building among the community as, brick by brick, the St. John Paul II Catholic High School campus begins to take shape. Sr. Mary Jordan Hoover, OP, principal of the new high school, said that after spending 10 weeks in a Spanish-immersion program in Guatemala, she is eager to resume the work of establishing the school, as the walls of the gym and academic buildings are going up and steel rebar glints in the summer sun.
Newman Centers keep college kids Catholic on campus
When Sophia Falter started at Grand Canyon University three years ago, there was no Catholic Church within walking distance of her dorm room. She started watching Mass on television for a few Sundays, and eventually found a ride with another student to the local parish. Her life changed when a GCU Newman Center opened just one street over from student housing about a year ago. Falter is now able to attend daily Mass, regular Bible studies and fellowship events, and is also a student leader.