JP2 Catholic High School.
St. John Paul II High School in the West Valley will be the newest addition to the Diocese of Phoenix Catholic School System. The student population in the West Valley has exploded, and many families are commuting over an hour each way to provide a Catholic education for their children.
Since 2000 there has been a 61% increase in the Hispanic population in the West Valley and it is projected that there will be a 50% increase in school-aged children by 2050. Additionally, the growth rate of the West Valley is projected at twice the rate of Maricopa County.
By 2020 the communities of Goodyear, Buckeye and Peoria will experience the strongest annual percentage growth in total population (6.9%, 6.5% and 3.2% respectively).
Together Let Us Go Forth ~ Juntos Sigamos Adelante responds to this growth and helps our young people discover the living Christ in every aspect of their education. Through building Saint John Paul II High School, families in the West Valley will have access to affordable Catholic education to form students academically, spiritually and physically.
Groundbreaking is expected in early 2017, with a scheduled school opening for fall of 2018. The anticipated initial enrollment is 200-300 students for 9th and 10th grades.
Cost Breakdown

Our children are the future of our society, and their formation in Catholic school is critical to the ways in which they will live out their Catholic faith beyond school, through college, and into adulthood. Although you or others may not have children in school, the students who will be educated at our Catholic schools will become pivotal members of our society who will be shaping our culture and communities for Christ.
The school is lead by religious sisters from the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia, one of the largest and most dynamic group of sisters in the country. With a primary charism of education, the sisters are opening faithful Catholic institutions that go against the trend that many schools are being closed because of low attendance or rising costs. Sr. Mary Jordan Hoover, O.P. serves as principal, and brings over twenty years of experience in forming young minds and hearts for Christ.
Catholic school students work hard. Nationwide, 99% graduate high school. 97% go on to post secondary school or the military.
Catholic school graduates rate among some of the highest scholarship recipients for colleges and universities because of their scholastic averages.
Catholic school graduates are ranked #1 in the percentage of grads who actively participate in civic and community activities such as charitable giving, voting, volunteering and the like.
Catholic school graduates have a strong spiritual and moral foundation. They are good for the family, good for the community and good for businesses.
John Paul II High School is located in Avondale, Arizona on property adjacent to St. Thomas Aquinas parish. It is 20 miles from Bourgade Catholic Preparatory, and aims to bring meaningful Catholic education within proximity of thousands of eligible families.