Welcome! Thank you for supporting the mission of the Diocese of Phoenix.
The Together Let Us Go Forth ~ Juntos Sigamos Adelante Campaign is
a historic campaign to strengthen discipleship and evangelization in every parish,
mission, Catholic school, and through countless vital ministries throughout
the Diocese of Phoenix. FAQs for returning donors.
If you currently have a Together pledge and would like to set up scheduled payments,
please contact us at (602)354-2235.
Please use the form below to make a payment on your pledge. Thank you.
The Diocese of Phoenix has recently made a change to a new online vendor and our look has also changed.
At this time, access to any previous established accounts is unavailable. We are working with our new vendor to make this an available feature.
For us to provide the best possible service, please call Donor Services at (602) 354-2235 or email us at DonorServices@dphx.org and someone will be able to assist you.